July 26, 2018 – As noted in a prior post, at NJ Board of Public Utilities’ Board meeting in Trenton yesterday, Commissioner Bob Gordon noted that, based on what he heard at public hearings, utility companies’ under-investment of the electrical grid infrastructure is a contributing factor in the poor storm responses. He then mused whether NJ Legislature should explore bills aimed at shareholders of for-profit utility companies to act as a deterrent to the lack of proper maintenance and investment of our electrical grid infrastructure (i.e., distribution system).
What is interesting is that NJ Assembly Telecommunications & Utilities Chairman Wayne Angelo (D-LD14) issued the following statement shortly after following BPU’s release of the Storm Response Report:
“My colleagues in the Legislature and I will take a closer look at their findings and determine if there are areas that need to be addressed legislatively as we work together with the energy companies in our state to provide reliable energy services to all communities.”
Perhaps these are just political words and nothing will come of it. Obviously, New Jersey's 3+ million electrical consumers hope that this is not the case. However, the fact that this is being publicly voiced is interesting. Assemblyman DeAngelo is an Assistant Business Manager at IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers). Kudos to Assemblyman DeAngelo as well!
NJ Assemblyman Wayne DeAngelo (D-LD14)