Jan. 25, 2020 – CHARGE was pleased to join with other environmental groups at a Trenton meeting with officials at the NJ Department of Environmental Protection to voice the group’s concerns regarding the Williams Transco applications for the NESE Raritan Bay gas pipeline that would be extremely environmentally harmful with no benefit to the public.
At the meeting were representatives from Clean Ocean Action, NJ League of Conservation Voters, Sierra Club, ReThink Energy, Franklin Township task Force and the NJ Federation of League of Women’s Cubs.
In case you missed it, Williams has now submitted and withdrew the application twice, the last time under the pretext that to allow the J DEP more time to consider the permit applications when, in fact, this was not true.
We learned that the applications have now been re-submitted officially this week on Jan. 21, 2020. The NJ DEP has until Feb. 18th for its completeness review.